MORNING THOUGHTS SERIES: Once a week we will be sharing some of our morning meditations, coffee talks and general life mantras. Yes, #thesavageway is a creative marketing agency, but it is also a lifestyle. We (Torrie Savage & Paula Bartlett) strive to live a healthy, happy, positive life and we want to share our perspective. You can also follow along on Instagram with the hashtag #thesavageway.
Trust Your Gut
When I think about #thesavageway and what we’ve built our company upon, one notion keeps coming to the surface. That notion is “Trust Your Gut.” It is incredibly important to learn what you value and what you want to put out into the world, both as an individual and as a business. Once you know what matters to you, you will be able to practice the skill of trusting your gut.
Many times as an entrepreneur you are going to be challenged with unchartered territories; client requests that seem far fetched, making business decisions that will affect you one year down the road, or deciding whether to take on that new project or not. All of these instances can be scary and overwhelming. However, decisions become a lot easier if you can trust your gut and listen to those core values.
When you “Trust Your Gut,” you can take the second guessing out of things. If you know you don’t want to represent that company, you will say no…not “Maybe?!?” You will feel confident that it is not the right fit, and that you’re not just saying yes because you need the paycheck.
Learning to trust your gut is a practice. It’s something that you have to actively stimulate to do well. Ask yourself what you value. What does your company represent? Who do you want to be talking about everyday? We like this 3-minute read from Fast Company that talks about the importance of listening to your gut – especially the notion of carving out time to reflect.
At the end of the day, if you feel confident in the decisions you make, whether it’s making a change in your business direction or adding/subtracting a client, as long as you trust your gut – you’ll be good.
Trust God too! Your gut is filtering whispers from the Holy Spirit. So Trust knowing You Are Loved by God. When you include HIM in your decision with your gut feelings, WIN WIN,