OrthoCarolina has been a partner of #thesavageway since 2012. We admire the way that this group of privately owned physicians interact and help the Charlotte, NC community grow. From supporting innovation initiatives like TEDxCharlotte and Seed 20 to helping young entrepreneurs, OrthoCarolina seems to be everywhere. One area that is particularly awesome is their involvement with youth sports.
Recently, we completed a Clean Graffiti campaign surrounding OrthoCarolina Soccer. Getting kids active and healthy has always been important to the OC community. Blair Primis, Vice President of Marketing at OrthoCarolina, said, “As part of an ongoing effort to support and promote youth sports in Charlotte, soccer seemed like a natural way to make that a reality. For boys and girls, men and women.”
We put down Clean Graffiti spots in five Charlotte neighborhoods. These spots are near six parks and two schools – but all near soccer fields where kids practice or play the game. The creative is a positive, motivating quote and a bouncing soccer ball (and we loved it!).
OrthoCarolina supports a variety of soccer organizations, including the Charlotte Independence, Charlotte Eagles, Charlotte Soccer Academy, Lake Norman Soccer Club, Gaston United Soccer Club, Catawba Valley Soccer Club, Winston-Salem Twins and the Kernersville Soccer Association to name a few.
You can learn more about the great resources that OrthoCarolina is providing soccer families by visiting their website. You’ll learn tips like core-strengthening exercises, what to do with shin splints and how to properly ice a soccer injury.
Get out there and get moving! And remember to talk with your feet and play with your heart.