Geode Moss Frames for Global Support & Development

Geode Moss Frames for Global Support & Development

These beautiful Geode Moss Frames have found a home at the office of Global Support & Development (GSD). We love how this idea translated across 75 sqft of space in their new Charlotte, NC location.

We worked with GSD from idea inception to installation and the process was seamless. As you can see below, our installation team worked hard to hang these huge beauties in their break room area. Our Project Manager, Kimmy, is seen next to the frames for a size reference!

Three Geode Moss Frames created using green preserved reindeer moss in a geode crystal pattern. The art is made by The Savage Way for Global Support & Development.

Each Moss Art frame is created in a custom 5’ x 5’ painted wood frame with gorgeous preserved reindeer moss. We took the concept of a geode crystal and turned it into art. Not only are geode’s gorgeous and but we love to surround ourselves with their energy. They are symbols of creativity and the birthing of new ideas. It’s been said that keeping a geode in your workspace can facilitate inspiration and increase creative thinking. These three Geode Moss Frames are leaving a huge impact on this office space. We are so grateful to share our eco-friendly plant art with companies making an impact.

GSD is a humanitarian organization whose mission is to rapidly respond to disasters in collaboration with at-risk communities & support them to prepare for the future. In a nutshell – they are doing powerful community work. You can learn more about them on their website.

If you love the look of this art, we have smaller residential sized pieces available in our shop. Check out our Geode Moss Circles and Geode Frame.

Moss Art Shop Has Perfect Decor for Your Home

Moss Art Shop Has Perfect Decor for Your Home

While The Savage Way is primarily focused on our service lines of Clean Graffiti and Moss Art, we also decided a while ago to have some creative fun and open a Moss Art Shop. We wanted to find a way to get some of the creative ideas out of our head and also offer some of our art and merchandise at a more affordable rate for residential clients and new art collectors.

A big part of what we enjoy is getting to infuse our philosophies into everything that we make. We created a few collections that achieve just that!


If you’ve been around for a while, you know that “Seek the Good” has been a motto for a longtime. It reminds us that sure, it is always great to stay positive, but for us, it’s a constant reminder that we GET to do this. No matter what is going on with out business… putting out fires, growing pains, decision fatigue, navigating employees, beautiful new projects, etc… We remind ourselves to stop and laugh. WE GET TO DO THIS LIFE.

We work hard and have created something out of nothing. That is no small feat. Building a company is hard, but we are so grateful for the #SeekTheGood mentality.

Items in the Collection:
– Evil Eye Moss Art
– Gen Z Blobs
– Geometric Moss Art
– Pink Seek the Good Hoodie

RICH (Realizing I Create Happiness) COLLECTION

RICH stands for Realizing I Create Happiness. We decided years ago when The Savage Way began, that we would do things our way. We choose to be happy. We choose how we react to situations around us. We decide. And we decided that we are insanely RICH! This sweatshirt is infused with abundant energy and we can’t wait for you to rock it all over town.

Items in the Collection:
– $ Moss Art
– Geode Moss Art Circle (variety of sizes)
– Geode Frame
– Hamsa
– Black RICH Crewneck Sweatshirt

SMALLS COLLECTION (Everything Under $250)

The Savage Way is pumped to offer our Smalls Collection of Moss Art. All items are under $250 and perfect for the new collector, gift giver or art lover. It’s a great way to get a piece of The Savage Way before committing to a custom work of art.

Items in the Collection:
– $ Moss Art
– Mood Moss Bowls (variety of sizes)
– UNC Charlotte Logo 
– Homer Simpson in the bushes
– Hamsa
– Evil Eye Moss Art


Pop Art meets nature with the Pop Art collection of Moss Art. From celebrity faces to the latest memes, check out our take on pop culture.

Items in the Collection:
– Prince (collab with Jen Hill)
– Frida (collab with Jen Hill)
– Biggie (collab with Jen Hill)
– Dolly (collab with Jen Hill)
– Homer Simpson in the bushes
– Fuck Yeah

So just know that when you buy something from our Moss Art Shop online, you are getting a piece of art or merchandise that is full of love and good energy. We are so proud of every item in here and can’t wait for you all to hang these beauties in your homes. The shop is something that is going to ebb and flow with time. We just dropped these collections in December so everything feels fresh and exciting. But just like life, we are going to stay flexible with the next items and only put energy into things that excite us.

New Spring Moss Art Design for PARA CLT

New Spring Moss Art Design for PARA CLT

PARA CLT is a Charlotte hotspot known for great food, cocktails and gorgeous atmosphere. The owners wanted to bring a different experience to the Queen City and it absolutely gives Miami, New York or Las Vegas vibes. Para is short for ‘imparable’ which means unstoppable and that is what this restaurant is, it’s shaking up the game. They embraced bringing plants and art into their space from local creatives (aka us – The Savage Way) from the onset of their launch. Originally, we created a 12′ w x 8.5′ h gorgeous preserved Fern Wall with the PARA logo centered in gold to set the tone for the dining experience – lush, unexpected, unique. It even garnered a celebrity sighting or two.

The co-owners of PARA are always ones to keep people on their toes and it was time to do something fresh and new for the space. We were elated to be asked again to help bring some natural beauty into PARA. The restaurant group owners asked our team to create a piece that would reflect how we are all feeling about these wild times, and all are proud to showcase it. It’s a preserved reindeer moss piece called: Self Reflection: You are entirely up to you.

PARA CLT new Moss Art for their South End Charlotte restaurant.

More about the piece: 

Self Reflection: You are entirely up to you.

Look at yourself. Like truly stop and take a look in the mirror. Are you showing up daily how you want to? Are you doing your best? Are you using your time wisely? Are you taking care of your health? What in your life is holding you back? How can you be more present for others? What relationships can go deeper? These are the questions you need to answer to be able to better your circumstances. And the beautiful reality is that you get to decide.

You get to choose or choose again and again and again until the change that you dreamed of is your reality. You are entirely up to you. And as a collective, if we all look inward to better ourselves, then we can show up for others in such an authentic and beautiful way. This life will just get better and better the more self reflection we do.

Size: 12’ w x 8.5’ h, inset into the main dining wall | Moss: Preserved Reindeer Moss in four colors

More on the Spring Refresh at PARA CLT

Best of all, the PARA team just launched their spring menu, and it is heavenly. Check out these fresh dishes with TONS of options for gluten-free and vegan friends. Left: PARA CHAAT (chickpea, yogurt, pomegranate, masala chips, apple butter, mint, puffed rice) Middle: “POKE” (vegan, “feta,” watermelon, avocado, orange, seaweed, crisps) Right: BROCCOLI (edamame hummus, miso honey, peanut, boondi).
When you hit them up for the “Poke” dish, make sure to admire the new Moss Art and let us know what you think! More at 
Green Moss Walls by The Savage Way

Green Moss Walls by The Savage Way

Green Moss Walls are all the rage in interior design in 2023. There is something to be said for having the healing power of nature indoors and without any of the maintenance – it’s glorious. In fact, this is known in the industry as “Biophilic Design.”

The term Biophilic Design may be new to you but you’ve experienced it every single day without realizing it. Design industries are just now getting more intentional with it. Biophilic Design is someone’s innate attraction to nature and living things. It can be found in everything from architecture, landscaping, water features and pocket parks, to simply adding plants into a space or listening to elevator music that sounds like rain  – the list goes on and on. Our offering, Moss Art, is a great example of Biophilic Design. We are using elements of nature and bringing them into corporate office, small businesses, restaurants, banks, etc to help create the glorious effects of Mother Nature.

As you know, when you spend some time in the woods, go for a hike or just put your bare feet in the grass, a sense of calm comes over you. You feel like you can breathe a little easier. The world slows down and you stop to appreciate beauty at every turn. That is what we are doing with Moss Art – it’s calming, grounding, and beautiful to look at. You can notice something different every time you stare at a piece of our art.

We wanted to share some of our larger scale green moss walls that bring this Biophilic Design into interior spaces. We are so proud of this work.

Green Feature Wall: Truist Bank now has a 40′ long Moss Wall with custom signage on top.

Moss Walls with Neon Signs: Carolina Pharmacy (left) UNC Charlotte Dining Services (right).

Reindeer Moss Wall: The Oliver Apartment Complex in Charlotte, NC.

You don’t always have to cover a wall edge to edge with Moss to make an impact. We have found great success with using negative space, designing with a shape in mind when a “VE Option” is required (value engineered cost savings) or using a structure that already exists. If a green wall is desired, we can always find a way.

A variety of projects using existing wall features and moss: UNC Charlotte Dubois Center (top left) | Crowntown Cannabis (top right) | Forgotten Road Ales Greensboro (bottom left) | PARA Charlotte (bottom right).

Above: Both photos feature the work we did at Credit One Stadium in Charleston, SC. Three separate Green Moss Art installations were created. Even ceiling acoustical panels.

Mixed Moss Wall with Mushrooms: NoDa Canteen in Camp North End, Charlotte, NC.

Unique Green Walls: Damn Good Brands reindeer moss drip | Crave Dessert Bar in Asheville.

No matter how you design it, incorporating Moss Art into your space is a great way to bring life, grounded energy and interest into a space. If anything here inspires you, please reach out. Our team of artists are ready and excited to help bring your vision to life. (Email:

Bolt of Inspiration Welcomes New Sponsor

Bolt of Inspiration Welcomes New Sponsor

Every month, The Savage Way has the honor of gifting a Bolt of Inspiration during Creative Mornings, which is run by the awesome organization, Charlotte is Creative. If you’re not familiar with Creative Mornings, it is a morning social gathering to embrace the creative community. We talk about important issues facing our arts & culture initiatives and enjoy a fun coffee-fueled program.

The Bolt of Inspiration is one of our favorite things to do each month. It is a chance to highlight people in the community who inspire us or who are doing awesome, creative work. Torrie gets up every month and presents a 12″ Moss Art bolt to a different recipient. Since the program’s inception, more than 40 Charlotteans have been recognized with a Bolt of Inspiration. It’s opened our eyes to so many interesting and impactful humans.

Photo credit: Dionna Bright Photography

Torrie presenting the award at a previous Creative Mornings at Wray Ward.

Starting in March 2023, we welcomed our friends at UNC Charlotte as the lead sponsor of the Bolt of Inspiration award. This was a natural partnership between Charlotte is Creative, The Savage Way and UNC Charlotte. We’ve worked with the University on several Moss Art and Clean Graffiti projects over the years These include the Dubois Center Moss Wall and Mobile Moss Wall (pictured below), along with other projects like Niner Nation Week Clean Graffiti (also pictured below) and two Moss Rental Walls for their alumni event.

With Torrie as a proud graduate of UNC Charlotte (Go Niners!), it was even sweeter to know that the school sees the hard work that creatives in our community are putting in. Check out this beautiful feature that UNC Charlotte did on Torrie Savage and The Savage Way.

Previous work of The Savage Way and UNC Charlotte.

We can’t wait to see how this sponsorship helps grow the Bolt of Inspiration program. UNC Charlotte – thank you for the opportunity to continue shining the light on Creatives in Charlotte.

If you want to nominate a local Charlottean for a Bolt of Inspiration, send us an email at with the cool, creative things that they are up to and we will review!