Free, easy-to-use bodyweight-based workouts can be found all over the city thanks to OrthoCarolina.
After much success with 13 locations in the Charlotte area, OrthoCarolina decided to expand The Free Workout to Winston Salem. #TheFreeWorkout is a free, functional fitness workout that utilizes Clean Graffiti on the sidewalks to help make fitness and a healthy lifestyle accessible to everyone. The bodyweight-based exercise routine is designed by an OrthoCarolina medical provider and will get the heart pumping and offer an alternative to a normal gym routine.

The Free Workout by OrthoCarolina debuts in Winston Salem, NC. #thesavageway

Free, bodyweight workouts sprinkle the streets of Winston Salem courtesy of OrthoCarolina. #thesavageway

Get healthy just by walking in your neighborhood. Clean Graffiti workouts in Winston Salem by #thesavageway.
The Workouts
#TheFreeWorkout workouts are designed for any fitness level and are open to use to the public. Each self-guided workout takes place along an approximately 800-1,000 foot stretch of sidewalk and involves six bodyweight exercises. The full routine involves completing the workout five times, but participants can modify as needed. Here are more details on the Winston Salem workout locations.
If you are in the Charlotte area, you can check out one of the 13 free workout locations here.
These workouts are created by using Clean Graffiti, an eco-friendly medium that simply uses high-pressured water to make a contrast in dirt.
We are so proud to continue our work with OrthoCarolina. Not only are they exceptional at what they do – one of the nation’s leading orthopedic practices and destinations for comprehensive orthopedic care – but their marketing team is one of the best that we’ve ever seen. They strive to be community-driven, innovative, accessible, and fun all at the same time #TheFreeWorkout is just another prime example of the genius that keeps OrthoCarolina at the top of their industry.